Saturday, February 14, 2009

I know what you are thinking. Where are the links to all the cool stuff that I watch, and what are my favorite media. Well here they are.

1. Internet - everything and anything.. news, video, music.. can't be beat
2. TV - real time, available, anywhere
3. Music - on the computer, on the iPhone, on the radio.. mostly rock, because it mostly rocks.
4. Newspaper - Sports section first, then front page, then style, then whatever is interesting.
5. Books. Some for school, some for fun. OK mostly for school, but Michael Crighton and books on sports!
6. More computers. IM, and Facebook. Annoying chatter from anonymous friends
7. Video Games. Love 'em, play 'em, but not informative. Still, give me a few hours on the Wii with baseball or football.

Daily Show

Colbert Report

South Park

Amazon - Crighton

Music - Tears in Heaven Live


Washington Nationals (Dunn Deal!)

Wiki (truth by committee)


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jacob,

    Would you please "embed" all of your YouTube films into your blog here, so we can watch them at your site?

    Go for it -

    Go DOTCOM!

    Dr. W
